lt enables users to set up the /ogo, the urban color scheme, the map coordinates, the users and their privileges.
¿Which is the implementation time?
The digital services have an implementation time of /ess than 5 days. The ful/ implementation may take 45 days.
¿May I activate only one service?
The platform is complete/y modular, so it is possíb/e to actívate any combination of services.
¿What type of sensors does the software accept?
An own line of sensors is offered but it is feasible to integrate any device which sends messages by MOTT, Json, OPC, HTTP and the like.
¿Where is the platform housed?
We offer the Cloud service of the Urbibot Platform in our own servers with guaranteed security and connectivity. lt is a/so possíb/e to carry out an in situ installation in servers of your town.
¿How is it marketed?
Licenses are marketed individual/y for each service and they include a base pack of connections. You may a/so acquire expansíons of additional connections for each service.